Do you consent to your child taking part in school trips and other activities that take place off-site and to them being given urgent medical or dental treatment or necessary pain relief during any trip or activity. Please confirm that you understand that:
• All trips and activities are covered by this consent and will include; o all visits (including residential trips) which take place during the holidays or a weekend, o adventure activities at any time and o off-site sporting fixtures outside the normal school day,
• School will provide me with information about each trip or activity before it takes place.
• You can inform school that you do not want your child to take part in a particular trip/activity and you should do so in writing.
• You must ensure that you and your child understand and agree to abide by any trip Code-of-Conduct.
• You must keep school informed if any medical information that you have provided becomes out-of-date or where religious beliefs may impact on any medical treatment your child may receive.
• You must keep school informed if any emergency contact information that you have provided becomes out-of-date or does not apply to a particular trip and you must provide alternatives as necessary.
• All school activities are appropriately insured. You also understand the extent and limitations of this insurance (details available on request).